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Please feed the BOOKWORM!

I am an absolute Book-o-holic. There is nothing better then getting swept into a great story till you can no longer differentiate your feelings from those flowing from the pages. I love living hundreds of lives thru my books. There is something so therapeutic about being able to "click off" and let my mind wander in the most amazing places. My love affair with books is unparalleled and now I have a blog to share my passion. BOOKWORMS UNITE! We were a dying breed that has made a ferocious comeback.

June 2014
started following:
February 2014
url: Holy Rabies! You could win a Kindle Fire or $229! End 2/28/14
February 2014
reviewed: Heartbreaking, beautiful story
I freakin loved this book. There were so many aspects that made it well worth the read for me. I guess let's start with the s...
Cruel Beauty - Rosamund Hodge
January 2014
url: Awesome Kindle Fire giveaway!!!! Ends 2/9/14!!!!!
December 2013
read and rated
read and rated
reviewed: Most compelling story ever!
Expect Civilian Casualties by Gary Bonn My rating: 3 of 5 stars THIS WOUlD BE A 3.5 IF IT WAS POSSIBLE>This was hands down on of the most compelling books I have ever read on my life. I literally couldn\'t stop reading due to the sheer fact that I needed to know what the hell was going on. This may sound bad but hey it kept my interest throughout so.....Mr. Bonns writing style was extremely unique and really put you up close and personal with the main POV Jason and what he was going thru. He told the story as if you were looking thru his eyes. I loved it. However what the hell was this about?!?! I didn\'t think it was possible to enjoy a book where you weren\'t totally sure of the plot line but hey there a first time for everything. (view spoiler)[Jason is some type of unique boy, is he human is he one of "them". It never says. I think he has cancer but that was a total dead end plot line if you ask me. Then these beings were created to transport people to another reality to prevent the fall of the humans race on earth. I don\'t event know if that is right. That is just what I got and I\'m totally not a spoilerific reviewer so I won\'t reveal to much more but it was intense! (hide spoiler)] This books finds perfection in its imperfection. Love that things weren\'t so plain jane predictable that I could guess what was happening next. You have to really think and work your way thru the bijillion context clues and piece together some of the story yourself. Completely original style. View all my reviews
Expect Civilian Casualties - Gary Bonn
finished reading:
December 2013
text: Arc giveaway!!
Damn I want this book. If you do too check out this giveaway @ lynannecarroll.blogspot.com
Unhinged  - A.G. Howard
November 2013
text: Not so sparkly Vampires...
I would like to state that i received this book in exchange for an honest review. I have never been so conflicted on how to r...
Vampire Origins - Project Ichorous - Riley Banks
November 2013
text: TGIF
So just when I thought my weekend couldn't get any better... It totally did!
November 2013
reviewed: Awesome NA Dystopian
Switch by Janelle Stalder My rating: 4 of 5 stars This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review. So I was in like with this book from the blurb on. It was a great dystopian with some romance on the side. I love when my books have alittle dash of spice in them aka naughty scenes . This story revolves around a girl named Charlotte who was captured by the New World Army and it\'s cruel leader. Of course Charlotte isn\'t any regular teen she has the gift to read others minds. How cool would that be?! Feeling betrayed by her father for leaving them for dead, she joins up with the new world once she accidentally lets her secret out to the most dangerous man around, Roman Adamson. A huge part of the reason why she goes with the "enemy" is out of spite and a deep sense of self preservation. (view spoiler)[Her father left and her mother was murdered at the hands of Roman in front of her. (hide spoiler)] In this world everyone is just doing what they can to stay alive, so often the lines between good and bad can get really blurry. That really appealed to me since it made things feel more real. In life the tough choices are rarely black and white. I really enjoyed the way the characters were written since they felt so relatable. None of them annoyed me which I think is a first.i really felt how everyone was touched by this awful war that is taking place in there own way. Most of them were pretty badass so I liked the fact that I could see there weaknesses thru there inner dialogue which was pretty snarky most of the time. This was pretty fast paced read for me and while it kept the book action and suspense packed it also seemed to rush a few of the relationships. (view spoiler)[I mean Charlotte and Pete were like "ok were enemies and now we going at it like bunnies in 2 seconds" but hey I guess love and attraction can take that path sometimes. I\'m just so used to having to wait and be frustrated wanting the two main antagonists to get together that this felt like it happened just a little to easily. I mean she\'s supposed to be like his mortal enemy and he just gives in like that. Whatever I think I\'m just jealous bc Pete is amazing. The man can cook also!. (hide spoiler)] I also loved the way the characters were so intricately woven. The only thing I didn\'t like was how the book wrapped up. (view spoiler)[I think more often then not now with books there is always a sequel or more. The ending to this was such a cliffhanger that it literally left the book feeling incomplete. I totally understand that there is so much more content to come with following what Bridgette is about to endure that it should warrant another book but I also feel it\'s not tied up as neatly as it should be. (hide spoiler)] With that being said this is Such a unique story. I really enjoyed this one and will be awaiting the sequel. View all my reviews
Switch - Janelle Stalder
read and rated
finished reading:
November 2013
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